Sarah Wohler is an artist based in Berlin. Seeking the matters of belonging and possible ways of self-definition her work deals with the phenomenon of the contrast between subjective and seemingly objective external perception. Evolved in an abstract language, both, color and material serve as a visual and haptic projection surface encouraging the observer to look for strategies of self-location and references to the own viewpoint. An undefined space becomes a place by perspective. While the aspect of mobility is gaining more and more attention, the modularity of the elements allows constant further development of the artwork itself, following a fluid and often fragile concept in partly absurd systems of order. 

2018 Graduation in Fine Arts (Meisterschüler) / class of Prof. Robert Lucander / UdK Berlin
2013-18 Fine Arts at Universität der Künste Berlin, class of Prof. Robert Lucander 
2011-12 Fine Arts at Universität Greifswald, Prof. Felix Müller
2007-08 Fine Arts at Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad de Sevilla
2011 MA degree in History and Art History, FU Berlin
2005-2011 History and Art History at Freie Universität Berlin

Teaching assignments

2021-23 Klasse Prof. Gergory Cumins (painting), Udk Berlin
2023-24 Klasse Prof. Ina Weber (sculpture), Udk Berlin
2024 UdK Berlin in cooperation with Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin
2023 Neuköllner Kunstpreis (3. Preis)
2022 NEUSTART KULTUR -Stipendium der Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn
2020 Stipendium Sonderprogramm 2020 der Senatsverwaltung Kultur und Europa Berlin, 
Preis der Darmstädter Sezession 2020 (Nom.)
2019 FÖRDERPREIS JUNGE KUNST 2019, Centre Bagatelle & Kommunale Galerien Reinickendorf (Nom.), 
Intermission art-residency Paduli, Italy
2018 Promotion of graduation by Baden-Württemberger in Berlin e.V. 
2016 DAAD / PROMOS-Stipendium für Kuba
Preis der Schulz-Stübner-Stiftung (Nom.) 
2015 Kunstpreis der Leinemann-Stiftung für Bildung und Kunst (Nom.) 
2012 INSOMNALE - Preis 2012 
Selected Exhibitions
2023 Neuköllner Kunstpreis, Galerie im Saalbau, Berlin 
INTERSPACE, Projektraum Schönhauser, Berlin 
layers and stacks, 101 Projectspace, Berlin (Duo) 
2022 Strange Homes, SPOILER Aktionsraum, Berlin 
How to begin ..., 101 Projectspace, Berlin 
2020 Air Berlin (Intermission Collective), Villa Heike, Berlin 
Preis der Darmstädter Sezession 2020, Designhaus Darmstadt 
FÖRDERPREIS JUNGE KUNST 2020, Rathausgalerie Reinickendorf 
2019 FUNZIONE.ANOMIA II (Intermission Collective), Palazzo Ducale Paduli, Italy 
2018 YOUNG TALENTS, SAP in colaboration with Galerie Burster Berlin, curated by Miriam Schwarz, Walldorf 
POSITIONS Art Fair Berlin /Academy POSITIONS, Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin 
KunstKaufen, Freundeskreis der UdK Berlin | Karl Hofer Gesellschaft
Where is Philadelphia?, invited by Maik Schierloh, Gutshaus Philadelphia 
Anonymous Drawings, Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin 
GELB, curated by Joep van Liefland, Bar Babette, Berlin

2017 TRANSFORMATION – Kunst in der Wilhelmsaue, curated by art affairs, Berlin 
Playlist, ERRATUM Galerie, Berlin
Prosperity 71063, SCHAUFENSTER JUNGE KUNST, Galerie Stadt Sindelfingen (s) 
2016 ES KANN IMMER AUCH GANZ ANDERS SEIN, curated by Andrea Pichl, Bar Babette, Berlin 
ESTUDIO G/K, Casa de la Cultura de Plaza Havanna, Cuba (S) 
2015 _ndo, Museum Jorge Rando Malaga, Spain
Kunst & Konstrukt, Kunstpreis der Leinemann-Stiftung, Westraum, Berlin (Katalog) 
museum FLUXUS+ studis 2015, Museum Fluxus, Potsdam
Caspars Grafik, Kunststiftung Rügen 

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