Retreat (inaccessible modular shelters) (2023–ongoing), dimensions variable
Retreat (inaccessible modular shelters) (2023–ongoing), dimensions variable
Retreat (inaccessible modular shelters) (2023 – ongoing), dimensions variable
Retreat (inaccessible modular shelters) (2023 – ongoing), dimensions variable
Retreat (inaccessible modular shelters) (2023–ongoing), dimensions variable
Retreat (inaccessible modular shelters) (2023–ongoing), dimensions variable
Ecke 1 (2019), latex on needle felt, 200x160cm
Ecke 1 (2019), latex on needle felt, 200x160cm
Ecke X (2019), paper on wall, dimensions variable
Ecke X (2019), paper on wall, dimensions variable
PICOS (2020), paper, industrial felt, tempera on canvas, 200 x 140 x 62 cm
PICOS (2020), paper, industrial felt, tempera on canvas, 200 x 140 x 62 cm
arealis (2020),  tempera on canvas, paper, pine wood, 140 x 100 x 130 cm
arealis (2020), tempera on canvas, paper, pine wood, 140 x 100 x 130 cm
CORDILLERA (2020), ink on pinewood, 1 x 1 x 240 cm (each) and 1,3 x 1,3 x 240 cm (each)
CORDILLERA (2020), ink on pinewood, 1 x 1 x 240 cm (each) and 1,3 x 1,3 x 240 cm (each)
71063 X (2017) ,latex paint on wall, dimensions variable,  Foto: Tarek Musleh
71063 X (2017) ,latex paint on wall, dimensions variable, Foto: Tarek Musleh
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